Weather Forecast for Monday

According to the National Center of Meteorology (NCM), today the moderate and torrential thundershowers, accompanied by strong winds are forecast for some parts of Jazan, Asir and Baha regions, extending to the heights of Makkah Region, while the sky would be partly cloudy with thunderstorms, accompanied by strong winds in some parts of Najran, Tabuk, and Madinah regions.

The weather will be very hot in some parts of east, northeast, and central Kingdom and surface winds will blow dust in some parts of Northern Borders, Jawf and Riyadh regions

In the Red Sea, winds will be southwesterly to northwesterly, registering a speed of 15 to 40km/h. In the northern and central parts of the Arabian Gulf wind will be southwesterly to northwesterly, turning northeasterly, registering a speed of 10 to 25km/h.

Source: Saudi Press Agency