Planning Ministry: General investments in Red Sea governorate in FY 2021-22 reach EGP 4.2 bln

The Planning and Economic Development Ministry announced on Saturday 18/12/2021 that the general investments directed to the Red Sea governorate in the 2021-22 fiscal year reach EGP 4.2 billion.

This came as the ministry reviewed the investment citizen plan in the Red Sea governorate of the fiscal year 2021-22 after launching the citizen plan for the third year in row.

In statements, Planning and Economic Development Minister Hala el Saeed said that Egypt’s 2030 vision aims at enhancing the Egyptian citizens’ livelihood and that the sustainable development plan of the fiscal year 2021-22 focuses on general investment in the fields of infrastructure, social and economic in order to benefit all citizens nationwide especially youths, women and people with special abilities.

She added that the citizen plan’s mission includes localizing the goals of the sustainable development and boosting transparency and accountability.

Source: State Information Service Egypt