Algiers, Tripoli mull over Libya security


Algerian Foreign Minister Ahmad Attaf and his Libyan counterpart Al-Taher Al-Baour on Wednesday discussed the ongoing security situation in Libya and the necessity of unifying efforts to restore security and stability in this war-torn Arab country.

The discussion came in a phone conversation between both ministers, which focussed on Libya’s security situation and Algerian efforts to help the Libyan people restore their country’s security and stability, the Algerian Foreign Ministry said in a press release.

During the call, the Libyan official voiced much gratitude and appreciation to Algeria for its honorable position during the recent UN Security Council meeting concerning the situation in his country.

During the UNSC meeting, the Algerian representative reaffirmed his country’s firm position on the Libyan crisis, calling for resolving the Libyan crisis through peaceful and political means, holding intra-Libyan dialogue under the auspices of the United Nations and ensuring free, fair, and transparent ele
ctions involving all Libyan groups.

Source: Kuwait News Agency