Weather improves nationwide; rain still expected in northern Egypt

Weather has improved across Egypt after two days of turbulent weather conditions, rain, and wind but the northern coast and northern Lower Egypt are still expected to see light rain, the Egyptian Meteorological Authority (EMA) has said.

Speed of wind has also slowed down nationwide but remains strong in the East Mediterranean and the height of sea waves have decreased in the northwestern coast.

All areas nationwide still see cold weather in the early morning, the EMA said.

Starting Thursday through Tuesday, moderate weather will prevail in Greater Cairo, Lower Egypt, northeastern coast, and northern Upper Egypt.

Cool weather will be seen in the northwestern coast and warm weather will prevail in South Sinai and southern Upper Egypt, added the EMA.

Northern Egypt until Greater Cairo will see cold weather at night while southern Egypt will see extremely cold weather at nighttime.

Mount Sinai and St Catherine in South Sinai may be capped in white due to possible snow, the EMA added.

Light to moderate rain will be seen in the northern coast and northern Lower Egypt this week.

On Sunday and Monday, light to moderate rain is expected also in southern Lower Egypt, Suez Canal cities, and Central Sinai, the EMA said.

Source: Egypt Today Magazine