UN Security Council’s stance on GERD crisis is unfortunate: Arab League Secretary

The Secretary General of the Arab League, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, said that Ethiopia wants to strangle the downstream countries – Egypt and Sudan – and described the UN Security Council’s stance on the Grand Ethiopian Dam crisis as unfortunate,

Aboul Gheit added, “We succeeded in persuading Ethiopia that the filling of the dam would be within reasonable limits without affecting the annual quota of Egypt and Sudan.”

“I think the Egyptian society can deal with the Ethiopian dam without resorting to any external political measures.”

“It is necessary to take measures from the Egyptian state regarding the Ethiopian dam crisis, as Egypt is working on water desalination projects and improving agricultural tools,” he added.

Aboul Gheit stressed that “The international community has failed Egypt and Sudan regarding the Ethiopian dam. Because China, Russia and the US are source countries of rivers, they do not want to give downstream countries their rights to water.”

“The Security Council claims that it is responsible for maintaining international security and peace, but nothing moves in the Security Council except in accordance with specific interests.”

He stressed that “The human right to life is a basic requirement, but interests are what govern the relations of states with each other, and the United Nations General Assembly talked about restricting the uses of the veto.”

Source: Egypt Independent