Tens of thousands of ‘Green Housing’ units are under construction in Egypt

Chairwoman of the Social Housing Fund Mai Abdel Hamid stated Wednesday that the construction of 25,000 units within the “Green Housing” initiative is underway, and that 1,000 have been already finished in Capital Gardens City.

Those are located in New Aswan, Capital Gardens, New 6th of October, New Obour, New 10th of Ramadan, and Hurghada. The units are designed to be energy efficient, as the design and the material used in construction are selected taking into consideration temperature and wind direction.

The units are powered by solar energy as photovoltaic panels will be installed on the roofs, will be surrounded by vast landscape for better air quality, and their sewage water would be treated to be used in irrigation.

As for social housing units, Abdel Hamid stated that the construction of 600,000 out of planned 840,000, since 2014, is over, and that 500,000 have already been allocated to beneficiaries. Although those units are subsidized, the revenues recorded LE52 billion.

Source: Egypt Today Magazine

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