Saudi Physicians Use Robot to Implant Chips in Brain

A medical team in Saudi Arabia succeeded in utilizing robot to implant electroencephalography chips in the brain, in a groundbreaking medical procedure to be carried out for the first time in the Middle East.

Physicians at King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre in Jeddah explained that the procedure was conducted to primarily pinpoint areas of epileptic foci in the brain to be excised later for a patient suffering from drug-resistant refractory epilepsy.

They pointed out that robotics technology depends on minimally invasive surgery by making multiple holes of no more than 2 mm in the skull to implant electroencephalography chips. This procedure is carried out to measure the electrical activity from inside the brain and diagnose areas where epileptic foci are emerged making robotics technology an alternative that outperforms the traditional method.

King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre outlined that the use of robot in epilepsy surgical procedures came by virtue of its micro precision in pinpointing areas of epileptic foci and shortening the procedure time.

Source: Qatar News Agency