Length of roads in Egypt more than double between 2013, 2020

The Ministry of Planning and Economic Development released Tuesday a report on the projects accomplished between 2013 and 2020 in the roads sector.

The length of roads grew by 112 percent. The highest growth was among bridges as the figure spiked from 208 to 1,848 with an increase of 790 percent. As for flyovers, their number almost doubled to become 4,159 up from 2,370, which is a 75-percent hike.

With regard to bridges connecting the banks of the Nile River together, they are now 49 instead of 38, increasing by 29 percent. As a result, congestion declined by 27 percent to become 219 vehicles per one kilometer down from 302. Also, crashes dropped by 10 percent to be 0.8 for every 1,000 vehicles compared to 2.2.

Further, the country’s rank in road quality leaped from the 113th globally to the 28th. To continue the plan of developing the transport sector, including roads, the budget allocated to achieving that goal in FY2022/2023 was set at LE 307 billion against LE 240.7 billion in the previous fiscal year.

On the other hand, the sector is estimated to generate revenues worth LE 672.4 billion up from the LE 586.5 billion earned last year with a rise of 14.7 percent.

Source: Egypt Today Magazine