The Ministry of Industry, Trade, and Supply has joined forces with the Ministry of Environment, the Jordan Chamber of Industry, and the Royal Scientific Society to introduce a project that aims to implement effective practices for the efficient use of resources and cleaner production in industrial facilities. The project, funded by a grant from the European Union, aims to provide technical and advisory services to 15 industrial facilities across Jordan and promote the use of cleaner production methods and efficient resource utilization. The beneficiary factories, whether large, medium, or small, will receive services based on their size, according to a Ministry released Monday. The project comes in implementation of the economic modernization vision, which includes government initiatives supporting industrial sectors. An initiative was recently carried out to apply circular economy practices in industrial activities and focus on environmental industrial complexes. The Ministry is undertaking these projects to improve the competitiveness of industrial sectors. This will be achieved by increasing productivity, reducing production and compliance costs with environmental standards, mitigating investment risks, and improving the carbon footprint. Additionally, local factories will be made more competitive by adhering to global requirements, enabling them to access new markets.
Source: Jordan News Agency