IDSC: E-receipt system facilitates transfer of consumer tax payments to state treasury

The electronic receipt system helps in transferring consumer tax payments to the state treasury, the Egyptian Cabinet’s Information and Decision Support Center (IDSC) said.

In a videograph released Saturday 16/04/2022, the center shed light on the prominent advantages of the electronic receipt system, whose pilot launch was announced by the Ministry of Finance on April 15.

The e-receipt system is based on a centralized electronic system, enabling the Egyptian Tax Authority (ETA) to monitor all transactions of exchanging goods and services among sellers and consumers in real time. It allows for the verification of transactions through electronic integration with points of sale (POS).

It complements the government electronic invoice system, as part of a national project to modernize and digitize the tax system. the system helps in streamlining and expediting tax examinations, as well as the preparation and submitting of tax returns, among other advantages.

Source: State Information Service Egypt