High humidity grips Egypt until Tuesday

The Egyptian Meteorological Authority revealed the weather forecast until Tuesday, announcing that a heatwave accompanied by high humidity will grip the nation in that time.

In Greater Cairo, Lower Egypt, South Sinai, and southern Upper Egypt, extremely hot, humid weather will prevail during the day, hot and humid on the northern coasts, moderate and humid at night on the northern coasts, and hot and humid on the rest of the country.

Light mists in the early morning until approximately six in the morning are predicted on agricultural and highway roads close to water bodies leading to and from Greater Cairo, Lower Egypt, the northern coasts and Suez Canal cities.

The high humidity is caused by the extension of India’s seasonal monsoon in most parts of the country. It will increase the feeling of heat by up to two to four degrees, with direct exposure to sunlight worsening matters.

Winds are active in some areas of Greater Cairo, Lower Egypt, the northern coasts and South Sinai at intermittent periods

Chances of light rainfall are predicted in the western coasts of Matrouh and Salloum on Wednesday and Thursday.

Source: Egypt Independent