Egypt’s role counted on in containing escalation in Palestinian territories

Egypt’s role is greatly counted on in containing the dangerous escalation in the Palestinian territories during the coming period, the presidential spokesman said on Thursday 20/5/2021.


“US President Joe Biden has praised in a phone call with President Abdel Fattah El Sisi Egypt’s role and stressed the United States’ full support for its efforts to end violence and bring back calm in the Palestinian territories,” Bassam Radi said in televised statements.


He said that Egypt and the United States have the desire to boost bilateral relations during the coming period, which are considered strategic and inherent in all fields.


“There is an agreement between the two leaders to boost cooperation between security agencies and others during the coming period,” the spokesman added.


Another phone call took place between President Sisi and UN Secretary General António Guterres, the spokesman said.


The UN chief asserted his keenness on reaching out to President Sisi in light of Egypt’s pivotal and historical role towards the Palestinian cause, its active relation with all parties and its moves aimed at maintaining security and stability in the region, he added.


The UN chief asserted that President Sisi has the ability to contain the situation with his wisdom, the spokesman added.


“They agreed to closely coordinate at the diplomatic level … to solve the crisis and end violence, he said.


President Sisi, during his calls with Biden and Guterres, made it clear that it is time to totally solve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, he said.


President Sisi and Guterres also showed consensus on the need to establish an independent Palestinian state within the borders of 1967 with East Jerusalem (Al Quds) as its capital.


Source: State Information Service Egypt