Egyptian officer killed while foiling drug smuggling attempt on borders

The Egyptian Armed Forces issued a statement Wednesday announcing the death of an officer, and the injury of another and a soldier as they were part of foiling an attempt to smuggle large quantities of drugs through borders in South Sinai.

The crime was discovered while patrolling the area so as perpetrators fired at the forces once they got close to arrest them.

The Egyptian Armed Forces released a statement in January revealing that the Border Guard Force thwarted several smuggling attempts, mainly of drugs.

The forces foiled attempts to smuggle 2.5 million tons of hash, and large quantities of money through the eastern borders. As for the southern borders, the forces confiscated six four-wheel drives, and various types of goods.

On the western borders, an exchange of fire occurred between the forces and three smugglers who possessed two four-wheel drives; 1,336 kilograms of hash; FN sniper rifle; four FN magazines; and, 356 bullets. There was also another attempt to smuggle cigarettes.

Source: Egypt Today Magazine