Egypt to prepare strategic, detailed maps for intended 74 industrial zones

Minister of Local Development Hesham Amna stated Monday that LE50 million have been allocated, as a first batch, to preparing strategic and detailed maps for intended 74 industrial zones, which will be dispersed across the country.

The minister said that the zones would be put on Egypt’s investment map, as they would span on a total of 150,000 feddans (one feddan equals 4,500 square meters) located in 23 governorates.

The location of 63 has been designated already, and it is 15 in Cairo; seven in each of Alexandria and Beni Suef; five in Asyut; four in Qalyoubiyah; three in each of Giza, Beheira, and North Sinai; two in each of Menoufeya, Kafr El Sheikh, Daqahliyah, Ismailiyah, Sharqia, and Fayoum; and one in each of Matrouh, South Sinai, Port Said, and Menya.

Luxor inaugurated last year Al-Baghdadi Industrial Complex, which stretches on an area of 49.17 acres, equivalent to 206,512 square meters. It consists of 206 units, whose surface areas range between 284 and 480 meters.

Source: Egypt Today Magazine