PM urges optimal use of treated wastewater

Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouli on Saturday urged the bodies concerned to regularly inspect all wastewater treatment plants; to ensure optimal use of treated wastewater.

Meeting with Minister of Irrigation and Water Resources Mohamed Abdel Aati and Minister of Housing, Utilities and Urban Communities Assem El Gazzar, the premier called for making a complete inventory of all stations and the amount of treated water.

When planning to establish any new city, consideration shall be given to developing a water system with drinking water, treatment plants and the uses of treated water in excess of the irrigation of green areas, the minister told Madbouli.

The meeting also covered a new system designed for more than municipal sanitation as it supplements the water resources by treating 100% of wastewater to the high-quality level required for beneficial reuse and distributes the recycled water.

Source: State Information Service Egypt