On International Migrants Day: Egypt showcases prevention, integration work


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued Sunday a statement on the occasion of the International Migrants Day, showcasing the efforts deployed by Egypt to host nine million refugees and migrants.

The ministry underscored that Egypt does not confine refugees and migrants to camps or detention centers. Rather, they are allowed the freedom of movement in the country and enjoy the basic rights the same as citizens.

The ministry similarly noted that Egypt contributes to curbing the phenomenon of illegal migration through development, human capacity-building among youth, and not banning migrants who arrive in Egypt from work.

Egypt has formed the National Coordination Committee on Combating Illegal Migration and Human Trafficking, whose function is concerting the efforts of different governmental bodies to deal with the two issues.

“Handling migration requires international cooperation, contribution, solidarity, and shared responsibility. That is in addition to partnerships among origin, transit, and destination countries in order to set clear and fair rules pertaining to migration, reduction of forced displacement, and reinforcement of integration,” the statement said.

According to previous statements, Egypt has six million refugees, mostly Africans, except for 500,000, who are Syrians. That is in addition to others who are classified as migrants but not refugees.

Source: Egypt Today Magazine