Minister announces launch of 1st incubator for clean technology in Upper Egypt


Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Khaled Abdel Ghaffar announced on Monday the launch of the first incubator program in the field of clean and green technology in Upper Egypt as part of project Tanmia wa Tatweer, Egypt’s Entrepreneurship Development Project (TwT), that aims at encouraging people to find creative solutions to social and environmental challenges.

The minister’s statements came during the inauguration of a TwT program at the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology.

The minister hailed efforts exerted by the Ministry of International Cooperation in providing grants to such projects and also thanked the people and the government of Denmark for offering a grant to the program and appreciated the role of the African Development Bank (AFDB) in supporting it.

The project entitled “Tanmia wa Tatweer: Egypt’s Entrepreneurship Development Project” (known as TwT) is funded by the Multi-Donor Trust Fund for Countries in Transition (TFT) through the African Development Bank (AfDB), and implemented by the Academy for Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT).

The project objective is to enhance and support the entrepreneurship ecosystem in Egypt to enable empowerment of existing and potential entrepreneurs, particularly youth and women, to establish, manage and operate successful innovation-driven businesses in 3 priority sectors: (i) agribusiness; (ii) clean and green; and (iii) creative industries with a focus on handicrafts and performing arts.



Source: State Information Service Egypt

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