Actor Adam Sharqawy named ambassador of “Speak Arabic” initiative inside Egypt

Emigration Minister Nabila Markam has declared Egyptian actor Adam el Sharqawy – a resident of the US – an ambassador of the presidential initiative, “Speak Arabic”, inside Egypt.

Makram, in a meeting with Sharqawy, said she is pleased that one of the second and third-generation Egyptian expats starred in a TV show that was a big boom in their homeland.

Sharqawy played “Big Z” in the TV series “Newton Game” which was aired during the fasting month of Ramadan.

Sharqawy spoke Egyptian Arabic very well, the minister said, praising his keenness to maintain his native language and identity, according to a statement by the Ministry of Emigration Tuesday.

“Speak Arabic” is a national move to get young expatriates to know about Egyptian history and ancient civilization, besides the achievements of today.

Unfortunately, Egyptians at home and abroad are facing “a war to obliviate their identity” through exposure to different cultures – which Makram stressed she is not against – while ignoring their own.

For his part, Sharqawy praised efforts exerted by the Emigration Ministry to meet needs of Egyptians abroad.

He said he likes the “Speak Arabic” initiative and its goals.

Sharqawy told Makram he is happy to be an ambassador of the initiative inside Egypt and voiced willingness to support it abroad.

Source: State Information Service Egypt