‫وباء كوفيد-19 يتسبب في وفاة 6.9 مليون وفاة عالميا، أكثر من ضعف ما تظهره التقارير الرسمية

تحليلات جديدة من IHME تسلط الضوء على الأرقام الحقيقية لوفيات الوباء. سياتل، 7 أيار/مايو، 2021 / PRNewswire/ — على الصعيد العالمي، تسبب وباء كوفيد-19 في ما يقرب من 6.9 مليون وفاة، أي أكثر من ضعف ما تظهره الأرقام الرسمية، وفقًا  لتحليل جديد أجراه معهد القياسات والتقييم الصحي  “أتش أم إي” (IHME)  في كلية الطب بجامعة واشنطن.  وجد معهد أتش أم إي […]

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‫ Hisense تطلق حملة #UpgradeYourHome لـ UEFA EURO 2020 وتعيِّن دواين وايد سفيرًا للحملة ومعه أساطير كرة القدم

نيون، سويسرا، 7 مايو 2021 /PRNewswire/ — أطلقت Hisense، بصفتها شريكًا عالميًا لـ UEFA EURO 2020، حملة ‎#UpgradeYourHome لتشجيع المستهلكين على ترقية أجهزتهم المنزلية استعدادًا لموسم الصيف. وقد عينت Hisense دواين وايد سفيرًا عالميًا لحملة هذا العام؛ لتشجيع عشاق الرياضة والمستهلكين على ترقية منازلهم بالجائزة. أطلق وايد رسميًا حملة ‎#UpgradeYourHome من خلال دعوة أساطير كرة القدم الأوروبية، ومن بينهم […]

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Finance Ministry aims to boost exports to spur economy

Finance Minister Mohamed Maait said Friday 07/05/2021 that he is eager to encourage the export sector as it is a key pillar to the national economy and a genuine locomotive for growth. In a statement by the Finance Ministry, Maait said the ministry is working hard to overcome any obstacles that could face exporters and […]

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PM urges promoting public awareness over canal preservation

Prime Minister Moustafa Madbouli underlined on Friday 07/05/2021 the importance of promoting public awareness over the importance of preserving canals, especially those which were lately developed as part of the national project for canal rehabilitation and lining. While expounding a report by Local Development Minister Mahmoud Shaarawi on the ministry’s efforts in cleaning waterways across […]

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Gov’t plans to develop random industrial areas nationwide

Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouli presided on Thursday 06/05/2021 over a meeting to follow up measures aiming at registering and setting plans to develop a number of random industrial areas in various governorates. This comes within directives of President Abdel Fattah El Sisi to develop these areas. The meeting was also attended by Local Development Minister […]

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Egypt records 1,110 positive cases; 59 deaths

Manama, May 7 (BNA): The health authorities said that 1,110 people had tested positive for the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) taking the caseload to 234,015 in Egypt.   The Ministry of Health and Population said that 59 infected patients had passed away, bringing the death toll to 13,714.   The ministry’s Spokesman Dr. Khaled Mujahed said […]

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Legendary Egyptian Singer Abdel Halim Hafez to perform in Dubai in exclusive hologram event

Abu Dhabi, May 7(BNA):  The Dubai Opera will host its first hologram event of the late celebrated Egyptian singer Abdel Halim Hafez who will take to the stage on 13 and 14 May during Dubai’s Eid al-Fitr festivities.   Dubai Festivals and Retail Establishment announced in cooperation with New Dimension Productions (NDP) and MBC Group […]

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US Tries to Help Resolve Ethiopian Dam Dispute

The United States is again stepping into efforts to resolve a dispute over Ethiopia’s massive hydropower dam along an important Nile tributary. The new U.S. envoy to the Horn of Africa, Jeffrey Feltman, is visiting Egypt, Sudan, Eritrea and Ethiopia this week as part of Washington’s new push to resolve the dispute. Tensions continue to […]

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CEO and Co-Founder of Virgin Hyperloop Speaks to U.S. House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee on Emerging Mass Transportation Technology

Josh Giegel emphasized that hyperloop is a down payment towards a cleaner, more efficient transportation system, not only for the next decade, but the next century WASHINGTON, May 06, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Today, at the Transportation and Infrastructure Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials Subcommittee hearing, “When Unlimited Potential Meets Limited Resources: The Benefits and […]

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